Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Recess php framework and Facebook Integration - Part 1

Today, I will describe the features of Recess-PHP-Framework. This is another PHP based lightweight opensource framework developed by Kris Jordan. A relatively new framework compared to zend, cake, etc, but as with any other good frameworks, its feature rich, object oriented, well maintained and developed. It has support for databases like MySQL, SQLite

You may check out the Recess website here.
 Download the latest stable release of Recess here: Tar , Zip or from Github site


On Windows (with wamp):


> wamp(includes apache, php, mysql): php5.2.4 or higher is recommended.
1) Install wamp by double clicking it and follow the instructions on the screen. In case, you are unsure of any parameter during installtion, leave the default parameters. Once installed, start wamp.

2) The default folder for wamp installation is c://wamp. Unzip/Untar the downloaded recess source and copy the whole folder to c://wamp/www/recess_folder_name

3) Browse to c://wamp/recess_folder_name/ and open the file named recess-conf.php. Search for "RecessConf::$namedDatabases" and "RecessConf::$defaultDatabase". Uncomment the lines with "mysql" parameters. Fill in your server details.

e.g In "RecessConf::$defaultDatabase", uncomment the line //'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=DBNAME', 'USER', 'PASS' and modify as 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=name', 'root', ''.
In wamp, default USER is root and PASS is blank (hence ''). Open a browser and type in http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Create a new database named 'name'

4) Open a browser and type in "http://localhost/path_to_recess". if you see a screen like the one shown below,you are ready to use recess


On Linux (with lamp): Ubuntu

1) Install php apache and mysql: Open a shell and type in
sudo apt-get install php5 apache2  mysql-server

2) Download phpmyadmin, and move the untared file to /var/www/phpmyadmin

3) Copy all the untared recess files in /var/www/recess_folder_name

4) Start apache : Open a console and type
sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 start

5) Open the recess-conf.php file
sudo gedit /var/www/recess_folder_name/recess.conf.php

Search for "RecessConf::$namedDatabases" and "RecessConf::$defaultDatabase". Uncomment the lines with "mysql" parameters. Fill in your server details.

e.g In "RecessConf::$defaultDatabase", uncomment the line //'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=DBNAME', 'USER', 'PASS' and modify as 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=name', 'root', '123'.Enter USER is root and PASS as you entered for mysql. Open a browser and type in http://localhost/phpmyadmin. Create a new database named 'name'

6) Open a browser and type in "http://localhost/path_to_recess".If you see an image likeabove, you are ready to start recess

To be continued...